If you are interested in alternative health therapies, you may want to learn more about the Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy. This is a therapy that is designed to help balance the energy system of the body. It is done in a non-invasive way and helps to promote healing. This therapy has already provided excellent results for more than a million people and is known to help treat a variety of health conditions. If you want a safe treatment option that is natural and without side effects, then this therapy may be the answer to your medical problems.
History Behind This Alternative Therapy
The history behind this alternative therapy actually goes back about 30 years. Zdenko Domancic is the man behind this therapy; he developed it in Europe. This method of treatment is a type of energy healing that has since been validated scientifically as far back as 1985. To validate this therapy, Domancic was asked to treat 300 patients dealing with advanced gangrene. He used this Bioenergy therapy method and every single patient regained full health. None of the patients had to undergo amputation. Today he treats patients and also teaches others his therapy method at the Domancic clinic located in Kranjska Gora-Slovenia.

How it Works
Wondering how this therapy works? You’ll find that the Domancic Method of Bioenergy Therapy works by taking energy from the universe, which is life sustaining, and www.thetruthaboutmanifesting.com using it to help balance the energy that is in the body. This energy is also known as chi or prana. The therapist using this therapy works to remove or add energy to help balance the body and to make the body’s immune system begin to work the way it should. This is achieved by balancing the electromagnetic fields physically that are around and inside the body, using life force and highly directed intention.
Benefits of Bioenergy Therapy